What is it?

A sensory play book box filled with various items that encourage tactile, hands-on play. Each of our book boxes is centered around a beloved children’s book.

The box is created to be an invitation to open ended play for your child to return to over and over again! 

Dive deeper into more intentional learning around each book theme with our learning guides, created for multiple age levels and subject areas. Choose a book or theme that interests your child and get to “reading with all your senses!”

Our products are recommended for ages 3 and up.

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What is sensory play?

Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child's senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing.

What are the benefits of sensory play?

  1. Development of fine motor skills
  2. Enhances hand-eye coordination
  3. Builds nerve connections in the brain
  4. Supports literacy and numeracy
  5. Encourages creativity and imagination
  6. Promotes a love of play
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Now Featuring Subscriptions!

By joining our subscription service you will get access to exclusive sensory boxes not available to others through our website. These engaging sensory activities are paired with laminated learning guides for ready to go activities delivered straight to your door!

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